Philip King
Jolyon King
07732 403 434
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Everyone appreciates that the work of a farmer is tough, but if you were to think that it was seasonal then you would be very wrong!

We thought we would share our insight with you into what our British farmers get up to, all year round.



December, January, February & March

For arable farmers the start of the year is for spreading slurry in preparation for the silage or hay that will be taken later in the year.
All livestock will be fed instead of grazing due to the ground being frozen, which can be a lot of work for farmers!

As the months move into March calving will get underway which is the busiest time of the year for a lot of farmers. The beginning of march also signals the start of lambing season with the lambs and ewes often needing round-the-clock attention.

Slurry continues to be spread throughout the month of March as well as the drilling, or sowing, of the sugar beet. Other important jobs to do include fertilising and crop-spraying, particularly for potato fields.



April, May & June

Calving will continue into the middle of May and they all require their ears tagged and a passport for identification. Lambing comes to an end in April but it’s still a priority for farmers to protect them against predators during this time.

April also sees fertiliser being spread on grazing fields, potato crops are planted and cereal crops will be top-dressed and sprayed.

In May livestock buildings are often deep cleaned with repairs made to walls and fences if necessary. Sheep sheering begins in June. Calves born in spring will have their horns removed.

For crop farmers silage continues and farmers will make a start on haymaking. Potatoes will be irrigated to encourage good growth.



July, August & September

Livestock continue to need feeding and milking. For lambs this care also includes shearing and vaccinations. Once the silage process finishes the lambs will be out grazing on the grass.

Bailing is very important in July as this will feed both horses and cattle. Potatoes are still in the irrigation process and sprayed to protect against pests. July is also the start of the combine season for cereal crops.

Moving into August it’s time to start the preparations for next year which involves the ploughing and cultivation for the next batch of cereal crop.



October & November

As farmers enter October it’s time for the calves to be weaned and put back into barns before the temperature gets too cold. The ewes will be prepared for mating season by being dipped to avoid infections and their wool clipped around the tail area.

The main focus for arable farmers is the cultivation and drilling of winter wheat as well as the harvest of potatoes and sugar beet. November sees a lot of ploughing to prepare for the following year.